
Benefits of Mappls RouteNet

  • Reduction in cost and delivery time (up to 15% in rural and 30% in urban areas)
  • Improved utilization of vehicles
  • Optimized Deliveries - Ensuring drivers to have the best routes possible
  • Reduce carbon footprint
  • Improved planning process
  • Increased business efficiency - enhance revenue scaling.
  • MapmyIndia’s Trust

High Level Objective of Mappls RouteNet

As a customer of RouteNet, I,

  • Want to optimize our daily routes and lessen Logistics cost
  • Want to reduce the Kilometres driven and vehicles for our deliveries
  • Want to increase our operational efficiency and improve customer service
  • Want to reduce the time spent in the complicated process of human dispatching

Who all can use RouteNet

  • E-commerce Companies
  • Food & Beverage Companies
  • Dairy Companies
  • Healthcare and Medical Companies
  • Paper Distribution Companies
  • Wine & Spirits Companies
  • Fuel Companies
  • Solid Waste and Recycling Industries

Organizational Pain Points which RouteNet addresses

  • Which truck delivers which orders?
  • How orders are sequenced in the route?
  • Which driver will go to which geographic region?
  • What is the minimal number of trucks that are needed to realize delivery of all orders?
  • What is best way to go from one location to another (not always the shortest)?
  • What is the set of routes that would produce minimal transport cost (e.g. Number of vehicles, traveled distance, fuel spent, etc.)?

Why RouteNet?

Scientific routing algorithm based on

  • Location (geographic coordinates), distance, time, speed and traffic restrictions
  • Defined constraints like
    • Time window of delivery (VRPTW),
    • Priority of customer delivery (VRPP),
    • Capacity/pallet size of delivery (CVRP),
    • Skills of a vehicle/field executive,
    • Service time of delivery etc.
  • Which driver will go to which geographic region?
  • What is the minimal number of trucks that are needed to realize delivery of all orders?
  • What is best way to go from one location to another (not always the shortest)?
  • What is the set of routes that would produce minimal transport cost (e.g. Number of vehicles, traveled distance, fuel spent, etc.)?

Helpful Documentation

Developer Community Forum: Join our community, ask questions, and share knowledge: Mappls Forum.

GitHub Docs & Repositories: Access our comprehensive documentation & sample repositories on GitHub: Mappls GitHub.

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