
Place Detail

Place Details is detailed information of a place related to place type, address, contact details, operating hours, etc. Mappls Places’ dataset has a wide range of place attributes for different types of place categories.

How Does Place Details Help?

  • Weather and AQI information
  • See all reviews/reports/questions on the place
  • Post reviews/reports/questions
  • Similar places nearby
  • Claimed person can manage and update its place detail on the map
  • Every place is assigned with a unique digital address, Mappls ID. Only this Mappls ID can be used to extract the details of a place.
  • Place categories are supported with a wide range of attribute sets. E.g. for restaurants - cost for two, cuisine, etc. and for hospitals - number of beds, specialisation, etc. are shown in place details.


  • Users can get the detailed information of any place they are interested in.
  • One can explore the most accurate and reliable detailed information on electric charging stations like machine type, plug type, slots, amenities, etc.
  • Can see the detailed corona related information like covid testing centre, covid care centre, corona isolation centre and covid19 vaccination centre on its place detail.
  • Tourist places, historical monuments, museums etc. show additional information of opening hours, entry fee and other amenities available. Plus it also shows the similar places nearby.
  • Users can get to know the current weather condition of any places they want to visit and also the nearby POIs like restaurants, parking and pubs & bars etc.
  • Users can get all the detailed information about any place or business including all the amenities available, contacts, reviews, ratings and reports.
  • Users can also update or edit any related information of the places they visit like adding images, contact numbers, email or website etc.


  • Latest weather information of the place or an area is helping the government authorities to keep a check on any sudden mishap.
  • Local, State or Central Government officials are also able to help citizens by reviewing citizen’s reports, comments in place detail on the map and providing solutions to the citizen.
  • Address, contact details, amenities available, operating hours, etc. maintained at the government buildings, institutes, organizations to let citizens know and plan their visit to government places.
  • Check safety reports reported by users on any place to make the place safer by taking adequate precautions.
  • Check the AQI of any place and take necessary measures to control and reduce pollution. ex . The Delhi government installed a smoke tower on the basis of AQI


  • Businesses can showcase all the information in the place detail to increase the reach of their business by providing their website and email details, commenting on the grievances of other users, or highlighting the new offers and things happening at that particular place.
  • Business owners can add their business timings, so that their customers can have prior information of the opening and closing hours.
  • Users can use the reviews and ratings to showcase their business and attract more customers.
  • Owners can give a virtual tour of the ambience by adding beautiful images of their places.
  • Business owners can promote and publicize their expertise on the place detail page.

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